Sunday 8 March 2015

Improving Your Mood and Dealing With Stressful Situations

Hello guys! Today I'm going to write a post about improving your mood and dealing with stressful situations. My new years resolution was to "Become more positive" I'm usually cup half empty kinda girl but i'm slowly but surely improving my state of mind. Everybody deals with things differently but here are some tips that help me improve my mood these are not a permanent fixes but have helped me on my way to be a glass half full kinda girl.

(Disclaimer i'm not trained to give advice on stress issues) but these are tips have help me when going though stressful situations and hopefully it may at least help one of you.

1. Get up
It's a new day! sounds pretty self explanatory but if your not going to get up you can't possibly get on your way to solve whatever your worry is! Whatever your hiding away from for example a deadline is looming, laying in bed and feeling sorry for yourself isn't going to write your essay for you (unfortunately). It's tough love indeed I have spent many hours procrastinating, when I could be channeling my energy onto my projects.

2.Tidy up
If your feeling down in the dumps, channeling your energy to organising your room it kinda helps. Messy room = Messy mind, You can create a nice controlled environment to study or relax. Not only that you'll be able to a have a nice night sleep! I found that my room become very outdated and I didn't really enjoy being there, I decided to change the atmosphere in my room by injecting some of my personality into it! I updated the colour scheme and saved up to buy some new matching stuff! I got some photo frames and put some lovely pictures in of my family, friends and my beloved lizard up I felt more at home! If you don't want to do that, you could just have a spring clean!

3. What is your worry!
What is your worry? For example I worry most when i'm going to interview or audition.. but what would the point be worrying all night long? thinking of all the possible questions they could ask you, unless your a psychic there's no real way of knowing;) so keep the brain hydrated and remember most be yourself. Make sure your prepared but make sure you have a pamper sesh! If your worry Is something personal it's always good to talk to somebody trustworthy, such as a close friend or family!

4. Have some you time!
My "me" time is changing into my favourite pjs and lighting my favorite incense, doing some meditation and possibly reading a book to escape the real world for abit! I also find when I know a stressful event is looming I'll buy myself some bath bombs and have a nice bath and maybe some new nail varnish so I can paint my nails a pretty color! Or just do something you enjoy like taking a trip to cinema or taking a stroll in the park!

(in the past four years I have being meditating, it has helped a great deal with my state of mind and continues to help me. I think choice of incense is key, as different incense can produce different effects, if you struggle to keep calm here are my favorites! I know it's not for everyone but if you're into that stuff these are fab)

Frankincense (stress and anxiety) 
Musk (balance and order)
Lotus (mental clarity)
Vanilla (mental alertness)

5.Write a list.
Lists always help sometimes everyday life can get overwhelming so write a list of the things you need to do starting with the most important, give yourself a ego boost too and write a list of all the things your proud of no matter how small.
(these are a few things I'm proud of)

I got a Distinction* in Music Performance.
I got rid of all my old stuff that I haven't used in over a year.
I'm all caught up with my course work.
I've been accepted to go to University and had a successful interview.
I have started up a beauty blog (tad-ahh!).
I went to my very first blogger event.

6.Be positive.
You are human sometimes things don't always go to plan but sometimes they do don't get disheartened by any set backs you may encounter this is just a small part of life you can only try your best! when you achieve something in your life be proud. (don't let anybody belittle your achievements)

7.Don't compare yourself to others
This is probably the most important! it's incredibly easy to mope around comparing yourself to everyone, once you kick this habit you'll live a much happier life, unfortunately it takes a long time but it's something that very worth while. I used to always think people are more intelligent or more pretty or whatever on a daily basis. At the end of the day i'm me and it's what i'm best at.

(example) if you're not good at maths you make up for it in your loving nature and your incredible social skills!
I know sometimes its hard to find positives about yourself I really struggle anyway! it could be as simple as being able to make people laugh, flaunt what you have and be proud.

"However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at" - Stephen hawking 

8. Don't let other people define you
The world is full of people who will be willing to put you down, it's sad but true. Especially if they have a problem with you and they don't even know you the chances that they're just jealous. On the bright side they will be people who will be willing to support you too, so hold on to them and their positive energy and ignore negative people. This is your life you only live it once, do what you want to do and believe in yourself. Not everyone will accept your life choices or the way you dress.. that's just life but as long as you're happy with yourself that's all that matters.

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